What is it?

The Minneapolis Music Census is a community-led initiative to learn more about the needs of the music ecosystem in our city. It aims to gather important information about the music industry in Minneapolis to help the city and the community make more informed, data-driven decisions.

What kind of questions will be asked?

The survey will ask questions about demographics, workspace needs, health & wellness, housing history, thoughts on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and more.
The survey will not ask for personal information.

Who is eligible?

  • Participants must be 18 years or older.

  • Participants must live and/or work in Minneapolis.

  • Anyone working in the music industry in any capacity, whether professional, semi-professional, student, or contributing in any way to music-related activities – paid or unpaid, part-time, volunteer, or more administrative than creative – are encouraged to participate. Take a look at the FAQ section below for more details.

Take the Minneapolis Music Census



This survey will provide the music community with data to create policies and solutions. It is being conducted by Sound Music Cities, a Texas based company specializing in music ecosystem research, in partnership with the Arts & Cultural Affairs Department (ACA) and local public and private organizations.

The results will be shared in three reports: Summary Report, Data Deck and a DEI report, all offering valuable insights to music professionals, venues, nonprofit groups, educators, government agencies, and music lovers who support Minneapolis’ live entertainment scene.

The most extensive music survey of Minneapolis to date!

  • 15 minutes is all it takes to shout out what you need as a musician in Minneapolis. Let’s get our voices heard.” — Rodney P. Fair, Singer, Sounds of Blackness

  • “Everyone in our industry needs to be a part of this census. ¡Adelante caballeros!” — Joaquin Delgado-Ortiz, Minneapolis musician for over 15 years

  • Three-time, Grammy Award-Winning Sounds of Blackness wants everyone who is part of the Minneapolis music ecosystem to take part in the most extensive music survey of Minneapolis to date! — Sounds of Blackness

  • “Soy la mas joven Latina acordeonista profesional de Minnesota. Quiero más oportunidades para tener éxito en Minneapolis y este censo puede mostrarles a todos lo que se necesita. Todas las personas con las que trabajo aman la música, es nuestra vida, pero necesitamos que sea sostenible.” — Jolette Rivera, Elegancia, LR

  • “We encourage all eligible individuals within the Minneapolis music community to participate in the census. Your insights are invaluable in shaping the future of our industry and ensuring its continued growth and vitality.” — Shayna Melgaard, President Minnesota Independent Venue Alliance (MNIVA)

  • “With this census performers and everyone in the music industry can describe what their lives are really like and to ask for what they need to thrive.” — Jaspar Lepak, Singer-Songwriter, Minneapolis Arts Commission

Partners & Supporters

Minneapolis Music Census - Common Questions

  • Music community leaders in Minneapolis recognize the importance of having measurable information to better support all those involved in music-related work. The census results will offer valuable insights to music professionals, venues, organizations, academia, and government agencies in Minneapolis, as well as music lovers who contribute to the city’s vibrant entertainment scene.

  • The census includes questions about music workers’ backgrounds, jobs, and views on important topics like diversity and inclusion. It does not ask for personal details like names or addresses.

  • Sí, la encuesta está disponible en Español. Una vez que hagas clic en el enlace del censo, elije Inglés o Español. Esta opción sólo está disponible en la primera página, por lo que no podrás cambiarla más adelante.

    Si necesitas asistencia en traduccion de esta pagina, envia un correo electronico a: addy.gonzalez@minneapolismn.gov

  • You will have a say in the survey results, which is crucial for making sure everyone’s responses are included. Additionally, you can access the report on our website to support your cause.

  • Absolutely. The census does not collect personal information. Your responses will be anonymous and identified as “Census Respondent” in the final results.

  • It typically takes 10-20 minutes, depending on your role (creative, venue owner, or industry) and whether you choose to provide detailed comments. On average, respondents spend about 13 minutes on the survey.

  • Anyone 18 years or older working or studying in the music industry in any capacity in Minneapolis is eligible to participate.

  • Yes, please join the census if you work in the music industry in any capacity, whether paid or unpaid. Your contributions, skills, and dedication are important and valued.

  • For the sake of data analysis, please choose one primary identity (creative, venue owner, or industry) for the census. You will have the chance to share details about other roles you have within the survey.

  • No, you can use a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone to complete the census. Just make sure to use the same device if you want to finish later.

  • The results of the Minneapolis Music Census will be released in the summer of 2024 through three reports: Summary Report, Data Deck, and DEI report.

  • You can email info@soundmusiccities.com.

Sound Music Cities will validate, export, and analyze the data from the survey.
Look for a full report this summer, 2024.